Happy cows are healthy cows — and when animals are raised as nature intended, it benefits both the animal and you. We source cattle that is raised on open pastures and fed on grass start-to-finish — never fattened on grain or corn. 100% organic grass fed and finished beef delivers a wonderful balance of Omega 3s, high levels of Vitamins A & E, and is rich in conjugated linoleic acids (CLAs).
To live happy and healthy, chickens must range freely and have access to chicken-friendly shelter. We use 100% organic, free-range chicken who are never kept in dark or painful mesh-bottomed cages. Free-range chicken is both leaner and more flavorful due to a varied, natural diet including foraged insects and bugs.
Soon, we plan to bring you delicious pork recipes — and when we do, you can be sure of our commitment to animal welfare. We’ll support ranchers who raise pigs on open pastures where they can forage naturally, and who feed without hormones or antibiotics.
When we develop recipes from the sea, we’ll use only wild-caught, sustainably fished salmon, tuna, or any other seafood seasoned to deliver a flavor that will always appeal to our adventurous palates.